Luis Manuel Ortiz Camberos |
The Doctor Ortiz Camberos LM is a Physician, specialized in Hyperbaric Medicine, Diabetes, Wounds, Ulcers and Diabetic Foot. Master of Public Health and health management. He has 20 years of experience in hyperbaric oxygen therapy and wound healing, likewise the type 2 diabetic patient management difficult. Always engaged with the health. |
- Master in wounds and ulcers, deterioration of the skin integrity.
University Catholic of Valencia, Spain.
Registration; Spain: 1BD637647
- Master Medical Hyperbaric and Underwater .
University of Barcelona Spain.
Registration Spain: 3604 TM “WES REVALIDATION IN CANADA”
- Master of science in public health , emphasis in administration of the health services.
University Juarez Autonomous of Tabasco.
"Honourable Mention" with the subject: cost effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on the diabetic foot.
Grade Registration: SEP: 5445205.
- MEDICAL SURGEON. University Autónomous of Guadalajara.
School Hospital Dr. Angel Leaño. Guadalajara Jalisco.
- Graduate degree in Diabetology Universidad La Salle . Mexico D.F.
- Majoring in education of diabetes for health professionals. Univ. of León, Spain.
- Course Training in Diabetic Foot, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
- Honorable Mention (Cum laude) in 2006, UJAT Item-Tesis: cost effectiveness of the hyperbaric oxygen-therapy in the diabetic foot.
- INTERNED Medical Undergraduate. Hospital Juárez 2000,México D.F.
- 7th Congress AMCICHAC; Mexican Association for the Integral care and healing of wounds, Partner and Member August, 2013. Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.
- 51 International Congress of the society of ENDOCRINOLOGY and nutrition, October 2011, Guadalajara, Jalisco.
- XXIII National Congress of DIABETES, February 2011, Mexican Diabetes Federation, Boca del Río, Veracruz.
- DIABETES SUMMIT 2010, Mendoza, Argentina, October 2010.
- 4th Congress AMCICHAC; Mexican Association for the Integral care and healing of wounds, partner and Member August, 2010. Acapulco, Guerrero.
- I course - training in wounds, ulcers and diabetic foot, management and prevention.
Foundation unit of teaching and research, Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia. October 2008, VALENCIA, Spain.
- IV workshop in chronic wounds: comprehensive treatment. Department of health, Hospital General de Elche. October 2008, ELCHE, Spain.
- III International Congress of the Mexican Association of diabetic foot, August 2007, Tuxtla Gutierrez Chiapas.
- 1st Workshop advanced rescue of diabetic foot. Mexican Association of General Surgery. Mexican Association of diabetic foot. August 2007, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.
- Course VII - Training surgical management of the diabetic foot, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Podiatry unit. June 2007. MADRID, SPAIN.
- Vital Instrument Course with AED (defibrillator), accredited by the National Plan of cardiopulmonary resuscitation of the Spanish society of intensive care medicine, critical and coronary units (SEMICYUC) according to the European Resuscitation Council (CRE). BARCELONA Spain (July 2002)
- DAN First Aid Provider Oxygen, Given by the DAN educator Dr. Jordi Desolates belonging to DAN Europe. BARCELONA Spain (July 2002)
- Physician General certification by the National Board of General Medicine. (July 2002)
- Course "Pediatric emergencies and Neonatal resuscitation ", given at the DURANGO sanatorium, city of Mexico and supported by LA SALLE University (from 11 February to September 21, 2001).
- Seminar of Integral management of obesity. Tabasco society of Gastroenterology and internal medicine of Tabasco Association BC (August 2000).
- Symposium challenges diagnoses and therapeutic of infections by cocci gram positive. Mexican Association of infectious diseases and clinical microbiology, Zapopan, Jalisco (January 2000).
- XXIX Assembly national of the Federation national schools of the medical profession, FENACOME A.C., Puebla (October 1999).
- Course of diagnosis and management of patients with HIV-AIDS, Medical College of pathologists. Guadalajara, Jalisco, (30 to 31 July 1999).
- Congress at Hospital Juarez 2000 of Mexico, General Surgery, pediatrics, internal medicine and obstetrics. Mexico D.F. (August 1997).
- 2002 - to date: BIOXMEDICAL private medical services. Villahermosa, Tab.
Director of medical services and emergency. Diabetes clinic, wounds and diabetic foot.
Rehabilitation and management of injuries to athletes.
Physician attached to the emergency services.
Assessment of patients eligible for Hyperbaric Oxygenation, reception of patients with dysbarism due to driving accidents.
Consultation and management of hyperbaric therapy.
Medical attention of patients in need of Hyperbaric Oxygenation (Hospital Angeles, CERACOM, AIR 2000, Mexican Red Cross)
- 2002-2006 Hospital ANGELES in VILLAHERMOSA. Villahermosa, Tabasco.
Head of the hyperbaric medicine service.
Assessment of patients’ candidates of Hyperbaric Oxygenation.
Consultation and management of hyperbaric therapy.
Physician Assistant to the emergency room.
- 1998-2002 Mexican Red Cross delegation, Villahermosa, Tabasco.
Physician attached to the emergency services.
Primary health care.
Health services administration.
Medical and surgical emergencies and driving accidents.